Timber hitch

A hitch is a type of knot that stays done up because it’s under tension.  So release the tension and it comes undone again without spending ages struggling with it.  This is especially useful in combination with putting up a hammock.  The hitch itself was used in the past for extracting timber from the woods.  One end of the rope would be tied around a log using a timber hitch, the other end tied to a horse to pull the log out of the woods.  I use it for tying up tarps and hammocks.

Step 1

Bring your cordage around the tree from left to right.  The ‘working end’ is in my right hand in the photo below.

timber hitch | bushcraft | knots | Kent | south east | London

Step 2

Bring the cord over itself so that you form an eye.

timber hitch | bushcraft | knots | Kent | south east | London

timber hitch | bushcraft | knots | Kent | south east | London

Step 3

Wrap the cord around itself 3 or 4 times, make the wraps long so you get maximum friction.

timber hitch | bushcraft | knots | Kent | south east | London

Step 4

Pull it in tight

timber hitch | bushcraft | knots | Kent | south east | London

And it’s good to go!

timber hitch | bushcraft | knots | Kent | south east | London

We practice tying knots on many of our courses, such as our 2 Day Bushcraft Course, Weekend Survival Course, 5 Day Survival Course and our 5 Day Bushcraft Course.  You can see loads of photos from these courses on our Facebook page.

About Gary

Lead Instructor at Jack Raven Bushcraft, teaching bushcraft, wilderness and survival skills to groups and individuals.

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