
Field mushroom or yellow stainer   Recently updated !

Here in Kent field mushrooms (Agaricus campestris) are in plentiful supply. And whilst they’re relatively straightforward to identify, they can be confused with yellow stainers (Agaricus xanthodermus). So here’s a few pointers on figuring out if it’s a field mushroom or yellow stainer. We look at telling if it’s a field mushroom or yellow stainer […]

Field mushroom or yellow stainer | fungus | foraging | Kent | south east | London

Disease in rabbits

Food acquisition is a big part of bushcraft and some of that food will be from wild game.  But it’s unwise to consume any animal that isn’t healthy.  So, here’s a few pointers on disease in rabbits (although much the same would apply to a hare or other small mammal). Before consuming a rabbit or […]

disease in rabbits | bushcraft | Kent | south east | London