
methods of seed dispersal | bushcraft uses for Rosebay Willowherb

Methods of seed dispersal

I’ve made this video on methods of seed dispersal because natural history underpins so much of what we do in bushcraft.  Take a look at this video to get an understanding about the many different ways in which plants and trees are able to disperse their seeds, it’s a fascinating topic. We talk about methods […]

hornbeam outer bark as a tinder | Igniting hornbeam bark

Igniting hornbeam bark

I’ve done a video previously around collecting hornbeam bark to use as a tinder so thought I should demonstrate how to ignite it. Igniting hornbeam bark is something we teach on many of our courses, including our1 Day, 2 Day and 5 Day Bushcraft Courses as well as the IOL Bushcraft Competency Award and Certificate. You can see photos from these […]