
Hygiene for bushcraft

Hygiene is important.  We know that improved hygiene has had a significant impact on the increased life expectancy seen over the last century.  So hygiene for bushcraft is key if you’re spending time outdoors on your own or with a friend, but becomes increasingly important the more people there are in the group. When I […]

hygiene for bushcraft | Kent | south east | London

puffball or earthball

Puffball or earthball?

Here in Kent puffballs are in plentiful supply. And whilst they’re relatively straightforward to identify, they can be confused with earthballs. So here’s a few pointers on figuring out if it’s a puffball or earthball. We look at telling if it’s a puffball or earthball on our 1 day foraging course as well as on our IOL Bushcraft […]

Yew berries

As a conifer, yew (Taxus baccata) doesn’t produce a true berry but rather a modified cone in which the scales have fused together. Whilst all other parts of yew are poisonous, the berry is edible, except the seed inside which is poisonous. We look at yew berries on our 1 day foraging course as well as on […]

yew berries | fruit and nuts | foraging | Kent | south east | London

spindle berries | foraging | bushcraft | Kent

Spindle berries

Spindle (Euonymus europaeus) is a small tree native to the British isles.  It’s regarded as an ancient woodland indicator species but can also be found in the hedgerow.  Spindle berries have a very distinct look to them but are poisonous and to be avoided. We look at spindle berries on our 1 day foraging course as well […]

Field mushroom or yellow stainer

Here in Kent field mushrooms (Agaricus campestris) are in plentiful supply. And whilst they’re relatively straightforward to identify, they can be confused with yellow stainers (Agaricus xanthodermus). So here’s a few pointers on figuring out if it’s a field mushroom or yellow stainer. We look at telling if it’s a field mushroom or yellow stainer […]

Field mushroom or yellow stainer | fungus | foraging | Kent | south east | London