
A woven fish trap

When people first started using fish traps is difficult to ascertain, they were made of natural materials after all and would decompose relatively quickly.  We do know that people the world over used them with great effect. Here’re some photos showing how Nicola recently made a fish trap using willow wands.  This particular type of […]

a woven fish trap | ancestral skills | bushcraft | Kent | London | south east

Disease in rabbits

Food acquisition is a big part of bushcraft and some of that food will be from wild game.  But it’s unwise to consume any animal that isn’t healthy.  So, here’s a few pointers on disease in rabbits (although much the same would apply to a hare or other small mammal). Before consuming a rabbit or […]

disease in rabbits | bushcraft | Kent | south east | London

Animal sign

Tracking isn’t just about finding the tracks that an animal leaves behind, it’s also about the other clues that they leave that can inform us of their presence.  These clues are often refereed to as ‘sign’.  Here I’ll briefly describe some of those different types of  animal sign. Scat Scat is the term used in […]

track traps | methods of locomotion

Track traps

Finding tracks can be difficult when you first start out.  So looking for places where the tracks will be more visible can be useful.  Think of sandy ground, muddy ground, or even snow.  These places are known as track traps. You can also make your own track traps, sometimes by just clearing leaf litter out […]