
How to prepare mackerel

Our hunter gatherer ancestors in the British Isles consumed plenty of fish, taking advantage of streams, rivers, coastal areas and lakes.  In fact some studies have concluded that up to 60% of a hunter gatherer’s diet was made up of fish. So in this short video I show how to gut and fillet a mackerel, a […]

How to prepare mackerel | bushcraft | Kent | London | south east

foraging for pignuts | bushcraft | foraging | Kent | south east | London

Foraging for pignuts

Pignuts (Conopodium majus) are in the carrot family and can be found in woodlands (where I mostly find them) as well as sometimes in hedgerows and grassland. They have a small chestnut like tuber that is edible. Remember that in the UK you must have the landowner’s permission before you uproot any plant. Also think […]