A few weeks ago I did a video showing you how to tie a taut line hitch and a timber hitch, take a look here.
Sometimes, however, I’ll tie an Evenk knot rather than a timber hitch. Generally I’ll use an Evenk knot if I’m putting up a tarp above head height as I find it easier to tie up high than a timber hitch. So in this video I demonstrate how to tie an Evenk knot.
Learning how to tie an Evenk knot to put up tarps and hammocks is something we do on both our 2 Day Bushcraft Course and 5 Day Bushcraft Course. It really is a fantastic way to camp out in the woods, really helps with ‘leave no trace’, is quick to put up and comfortable to boot. You can see photos from those courses, as well as all of our others, on our Facebook page.