Nicola has put this recipe together as she wanted to make her own herbal hand sanitiser. It uses a blend of essential oils with anti-viral and anti-microbial properties.
Always take care when using essential oils and check the safe usage of each one before applying. If you’re using essential oils for the first time, do a patch test, apply a little of the cream to your inner elbow to see if it is safe to use. Do not use essential oils if you are pregnant.
And remember, it’s always best to wash your hands with soap and water wherever possible.
Ingredients for the herbal hand sanitiser
- 85 mls of high proof Alcohol – Nicola used vodka
- 28 mls of aloe vera gel to reduce skin dryness
- 30 drops of tea tree essential oil to act as a barrier against bacteria, viruses and fungi
- 5 – 10 drops of either rosemary or lavender essential oil – rosemary contains rosmarinic acid which is both anti-viral and anti-bacterial
- 1/4 tsp of Vitamin E oil – this helps to soften the hands
How to make your herbal hand sanitiser
- Mix the essential oils and Vitamin E oil together
- Add the alcohol to the oils and mix
- Combine with the aloe vera and mix well
- Transfer to a clean squirty bottle (make sure it’s coloured to protect the essential oils from light)
Put on the cap and it’s good to go. Store your herbal hand sanitiser in a cool place out of sunlight.
You can see photos from our herbal remedies courses on our Facebook page as well as photos of people on our courses here.