I was looking for some holiday photos when I found a folder on my computer with some bushcraft photos. So I’ve shared a few here for you all to see!
I’m pretty sure that the first photo was taken in about 2002 somewhere about then and the next 2 in about 2003 – 04, or so. They were taken on a 35mm camera (which I’ve still got) and then scanned, hence the poor quality. I’ve no idea where the originals are. The photo immediately below shows me in a lean-to shelter, the second in an open sided kennel debris shelter.
I’m not too sure where this photo was taken, possibly in the west country.
This next photo was taken in 2006 on a digital camera that I got for my 40th birthday. It shows me in a lean to debris shelter made from western hemlock. I went through a phase of wearing a flat cap when I went into the woods. I might give it another try, I’ve still got the hats.
I remember this last photo well. Anthony and I had a few days camping out in November 2008 (just before his birthday) and the snow came from nowhere just after we’d finished breakfast.
To see some more up to date photos taken on our bushcraft courses, look on our Facebook page.