Mallow (Malva sylvestris)
Mallow is a common plant in southern England and Wales and can be found along the sides of roads and railways as well as on waste ground. As always, be careful if collecting near a road; we’ve found this plant in particular to take in exhaust fumes that you can taste in the leaves and flowers.
Property : Mucilaginous
Constituent : Mucilage
Action : Antitussive, Laxative, Antibacterial, Demulcent
Indication : Dry cough, Mild constipation, Sore mouth and throat
The seeds can be used in either an infusion or decoction for a cough or sore throat, but be careful as it can also have a laxative affect! An ointment made from the leaves can be used to moisturise your skin.
If you’re interested in wild plants, take a look at our Herbal Remedies course. You can see photos from previous courses on our Facebook page.