Another folded bark container

After our recent Cordage & Containers course we had some spare sweet chestnut bark and so Nicola decided to make another folded bark container, this one rectangular in shape.  We’ve made cylindrical ones before but this time Nicola wanted to make a recantuglar one after seeing a photo of one by Christian Meinhardt and thinking it looked great.

Nicola used the inner bark of sweet chestnut and lime bark cordage.

another folded bark container | bushcraft | Kent | south east | London

First off make a template for the container on a piece of paper.   This allows you scope to play around with the dimensions, just make sure that it’ll fit on the piece of bark you have!

another folded bark container | bushcraft | Kent | south east | London

Once you’re happy with the template, transfer it to the bark.  Then carefuly cut out the shape.

making bark containers | bushcraft | Kent | south east | London

Gently score the places where the bark needs to fold.

another folded bark container | bushcraft | Kent | south east | London

Bring the sides up and hold them together with a peg.

another folded bark container | bushcraft | Kent | south east | London

Make some holes in the sides for the stitches.  A hole punch for leather works really well.

how to make a folded bark container | bushcraft | Kent | south east | London

Stitch the sides together.

folded bark containers | bushcraft | Kent | south east | London

Then fold up the semi-circular side pieces, stitch them and you’re finished!

another folded bark container | bushcraft | Kent | south east | London

You can see photos from our cordage and containers courses, as well as all of our other courses, on our Facebook page.

About Gary

Lead Instructor at Jack Raven Bushcraft, teaching bushcraft, wilderness and survival skills to groups and individuals.

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