Search Results for : debris

Debris shelter 2

We took the opportunity to make a 2 person debris shelter during our 5 Day Bushcraft Course.  We already had an open sided kennel shelter in place so it was really easy to modify it and turn it into a 2 person shelter.  We added another sturdy spar, laid hazel stems along the side and […]

debris shelter building | south east | Kent

siting your shelter | Wiki-up debris shelter

Siting your shelter

There are many considerations to think about when you’re deciding where to site your shelter, whether that be a debris shelter, tarp or tent.  In this video I discuss some of those considerations. We discuss siting your shelter on our 1 Day Bushcraft Course, 2 Day Bushcraft Course, and 5 Day Bushcraft Course. You can see […]

Bushcraft Qualifications

Bushcraft qualifications have seen a surge in take-up over the last few years, largely driven by the increasing popularity of bushcraft.  Bushcraft is now taught in a wide variety of settings, from outdoor activity centres, campsites, schools & colleges through to youth groups such a Scouts, Cadets and the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. And […]

bushcraft qualifications | IOL Bushcraft Competency Certificate |

Insulating yourself from the ground | weekend bushcraft trip | Kent | south east | London

Insulating yourself from the ground

When you’re camping  overnight, insulating yourself from the ground is imperative to not only getting a good night’s sleep but to staying warm.  This is because you will lose heat to the ground through conduction and so you need to get some insulation between you and the ground.  This could be a roll mat or […]

Staying warm while camping in the winter

Staying warm while camping in the winter is clearly important.  Even here in Kent temperatures can get relatively low (OK, if you’re in Canada or Sweden reading this, then temperatures of -5°C might seem positively tropical, but it’s still plenty cold enough to cause problems for the unprepared); indeed, the first ever course we ran […]

staying warm while camping | bushcraft | Kent | London | south east

is bushcraft an expensive hobby? | weekend bushcraft trip | Kent | south east | London

Is bushcraft an expensive hobby?

Generally my posts on our blog are around ‘How to…’ type scenarios, so how to light a fire, how to put up a tarp etc.  I stick to practical posts and stay away from ‘philosophical musings’, but in this one I think I might have veered over a little which has surprised me as it […]