Daily Archives: 07/07/2013

Fire by Friction Part 1 3

Lighting a fire by friction is perhaps the most iconic skill within bushcraft, almost a rite of passage and nobody ever forgets their first ember.  Which raises an important point, whilst we all talk about fire by friction, this method doesn’t produce a flame in and of itself – it produces an ember, which when added to […]

Fire by friction

elder flower cordial recipe | Kent | London | south east | Essex

Elderflower Delight

  Nicola made this on Friday and by and large used a recipe from River Cottage Handbook No.7: Hedgerow.  It might seem a bit complicated but it was relatively straightforward and tastes fantastic.  So, the elderflowers are still out, give a go! Ingredients 20g of gelatine leaf 700g of granulated sugar 2 lemons, juiced 400ml […]