Monthly Archives: September 2015

IOL Bushcraft Competency ‘Hall of Fame’

The Institute for Outdoor Learning (IOL) Bushcraft Professional Practice Group (PPG) has developed the Bushcraft Competency Award, Certificate & Diploma and they’re fast becoming the de facto standard.  You can find out more about the awards on the IOL website here. The assessment is carried out by one the IOL’s approved assessors. Jack Raven Bushcraft […]

Making things with hawthorn berries, haws

Haw-sin Sauce 1

Nicola has been at it again and made another great preserve from the versatile hawthorn – a delicious haw-sin sauce.  We’ve had it in the past with pan-fried pigeon breast and it was absolutely wonderful.  We’ll be having that particular combination on our autumn foraging course coming up shortly.  This latest batch was served with steak, […]

Hawthorn Leather 3

Nicola made some hawthorn leather during the week, with a few blackberries added in to give a little sweetness.  Here’s how she made it. Collect a good helping of haws and a handful of blackberries.  Nicola used a traditional trug.  Leave them outside for a little while to allow any insects to make an escape. […]

hawthorn leather | foraging | Kent

Woodland pit forge in use

How to make your own forge

This post was written by Ross Berry, our resident blacksmith and shows you how to make your own forge.  Thanks Ross. Backwoods Blacksmithing If you’ve ever wanted to be able to make some of your own bushcraft kit, such as knives and traditional fire steels, but thought that building a forge was out of your […]