
How to prepare mackerel | bushcraft | Kent | London | south east

How to prepare mackerel

Our hunter gatherer ancestors in the British Isles consumed plenty of fish, taking advantage of streams, rivers, coastal areas and lakes.  In fact some studies have concluded that up to 60% of a hunter gatherer’s diet was made up of fish. So in this short video I show how to gut and fillet a mackerel, a […]

Methods of seed dispersal

I’ve made this video on methods of seed dispersal because natural history underpins so much of what we do in bushcraft.  Take a look at this video to get an understanding about the many different ways in which plants and trees are able to disperse their seeds, it’s a fascinating topic. We talk about methods […]

methods of seed dispersal | bushcraft uses for Rosebay Willowherb


According to Wikipedia, “Gait is the pattern of movement of the limbs of animals, including humans, during locomotion over a solid substrate.”  Understanding these different patterns will inform us of how quickly the animal is moving, so a useful skill in tracking and trailing. You might want to take a look at this post about […]

gaits | tracking | bushcraft | Kent