axe skills

Splitting kindling

Splitting kindling is a useful technique when you’re finding if difficult to source dry materials to light your fire.  Whilst there are different ways to split kindling, in this video I show one of my favourite methods, using a ‘support stick’ to hold the wood still so that I can use my axe with one […]

batoning with an axe | splitting kindling | splitting with an axe | axe course | Kent | London | south east

splitting wood with an axe | bushcraft | Kent | south east | London | axe skills | axe courses | axe workshop

Splitting wood with an axe

Take a look at this short video where I demonstrate splitting wood with an axe, firstly using a stump to split onto and secondly splitting a piece of wood on the ground.  This video can be viewed in conjunction with this post that describes various splitting techniques (written 5 years ago, where does the time […]