debris shelter

Debris shelter in a coniferous woodland 4

We’ve built plenty of debris shelters in the past at our ancient woodland camp in Kent, generally using either leaf litter or bracken as thatching, I’ve written about it previously here and here.  Well, on our fantastic trip to the Isle of Arran with Arran Bushcraft & Survival, we had the opportunity to build a debris shelter in […]

Forked sticks for debris shelters The finished debris shelter

2 person debris shelter | south east | Kent

2 Person Debris Shelter 2

We teach debris shelters on our 2 Day Bushcraft  and 5 Day Bushcraft courses, mostly 1 person shelters rather than a 2 person debris shelter. We tend to focus on the structure of the shelter, so making sure that it’s robust and won’t collapse, but don’t spend too much time covering them.  We have some […]

Debris shelter 2

We took the opportunity to make a 2 person debris shelter during our 5 Day Bushcraft Course.  We already had an open sided kennel shelter in place so it was really easy to modify it and turn it into a 2 person shelter.  We added another sturdy spar, laid hazel stems along the side and […]

debris shelter building | south east | Kent