Monthly Archives: February 2017

Hawthorn 2

Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) Hawthorn is a common sight in our hedgerows but you might also come across it growing in woodlands, where we’ve seen them growing to a good 15m tall. My gran was born in 1888 and passed on a bunch of old sayings to me. One was “Cast not a clout til the […]

Hawthorn | Hawthorn or blackthorn

Yarrow 1

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) A member of the daisy family growing in hedgerows and verges, yarrow is easy to identify with its long, feather like leaves.  It generally has a white flower but it isn’t uncommon to find them with a pinkish hue to them. Property : Aromatic stimulant, Bitter-containing saponin, Astringent Constituent : Volatile oil, Glycosides, Flavonoids, Bitters, Tannins, Saponins, Coumarins Action : Diaphoretic, Antipyretic, Antihypertensive, Astringent, Haemostatic, Diuretic, Anti-inflammatory, Urinary antiseptic, Digestive stimulant, Anti-allergenic, Stomachic Indication […]

How to Make a Dandelion Decoction

The medicinal properties of Dandelions (Taraxacum) have been known for millennia.  The active ingredient is taraxacum (from which the plant derives its scientific name), which is found in the whole of the plant. This is a recipe for making a dandelion decoction, which uses the roots of dandelions.  Prepared this way, the root is a liver […]

dandelion decoction, herbal medicine, south east, Kent